
Notes on each of the processes I offer

Pricing and packages

Coaching / Counseling Session


I use a transpersonal psychological approach in my Coaching Sessions which can include many different healing modalities:

  • Releasing Thought Patterns: Discovering old beliefs that are no longer working for you.

  • Creating New Energy Patterns: Creating very specific affirmations tailored to you, that can lay your foundation for new growth.

  • Meditation: Discovering what kind of meditation practices are the best for you right now.

  • Inner Child Healings: Tuning in to your Inner Child needs and emotions

  • Sub-personality Healings: Discovering how to harmonize and start to integrate the many different personalities that we carry with us.

  • Shamanic Healings: Dialoguing with your higher mind or soul to reclaim disowned parts.

  • Somatic Work: Dialoguing with the Body to pinpoint what it needs

Pricing: $125./session

Counseling 3-Session Package (15% saving) $255.

Counseling 6-Session Package (20% saving) $480.

Body Work Sessions


Due to long held energy blocks in the body, we often need support in relaxing and releasing them. With Body Work, we can open the channels to restore a free flow of energy. By recovering its natural state of well-being, you can experience the happiness and joy that is readily available for you through your connection with  your own body.

These sessions include the healing modalities of:

  • Reiki: A transmission of relaxing healing energy though the laying on of hands.

  • Acupressure: By holding certain points with my hands, the body softens and becomes aware of what it needs to re-energize.

  • Chakra Balancing: Attuning to the different chakra centers, allows the body to energize any out of balance places and strengthen vitality.

Pricing: $125

Foundational Astrology Reading


Using a variety of Astrological Charts (including Natal, Transit and Progressed), we explore any questions you might have regarding your relationships, career path, family dynamics and spiritual journey. By revealing your opportunities for growth, change and happiness, we discover the opportunities being opened for you during the current transitional phases of your life.

The universe replicates your Astrological chart only once every 25,000 years! That's how special and unique you are.

This reading will address:

  • Your Soul Path this lifetime.

  • What you have come here to accomplish.

  • What you need to feel emotionally balanced.

  • Where to look for you passions.

  • What you need in a relationship.

  • How to connect to your creativity.

  • What the future holds for you.

Your Astrology chart reveals a blueprint for living your best life and provides a compass with which to navigate.

Pricing: $150

To Prepare—in order to create your core Astrology Chart, please email or call in advance with:

  • Month/Day/Year of your birth

  • City of Birth

  • Time of Birth (if you have it)

Ongoing Astrology Readings


Whether you would like a yearly Astrology Reading on your birthday or a monthly check-in, ongoing Astrology Readings give you a chance to re-assess your goals and take advantage of the opportunities opening up for you in order to move forward.

There is always new material to cover when I look at your chart over time, so this reading is a good way to see the future shifts and transformation as you navigate through your life.

Pricing: $125